
Showing posts from November, 2020

Acrida willemsei

  Acrida willemsei  is an Asian species of  grasshopper . The recorded distribution of this species includes southern China, Taiwan, Indo-China, India, and Malaysia. They are  sometimes called  silent slant-faced grasshoppers.  In appearance, the species are often similar to those of the subfamily Gomphocerinae, with whom they share a slanted face. However, Acrida willemsei differ from Gomphocerinae in that they lack stridulatory pegs on their hind legs and thus, as the common name suggests, do not make sounds. The antennae of this species are flattened and sword-like, a trait also shared with some gomphocerines. They lack the postural spine seen in the spurthroated grasshoppers and lubber grasshoppers (Two different species of grasshoppers that share some common traits). Hind wings in this species are somewhat colorless.  They  aren't particularly selective about what they eat, but they often favor gre...

Scarlet Dragonfly (Crocothemis erythraea)

 Other names -B road scarlet ,  common scarlet-darter ,  scarlet darter The scarlet dragonfly is a common species in  southern Europe  and throughout  Africa . It also occurs across western  Asia  as far as southern  China . Its habitat is a  wide range of both running and standing waters, except those that are shaded. Adults may be found some distance from water in habitats ranging from desert to open woodland; absent from dense forest. They can reach a length of 33–44 millimetres. These dragonflies have a flattened and rather broad abdomen. The adult male scarlet dragonfly has a bright scarlet red, widened  abdomen , with small amber patches at the bases of the hindwings. Also, the veins on the leading edges of the wings are red. Females and immatures are yellow-brown and have a conspicuous pale stripe along the top of the  thorax . It feeds mainly on  water shrews, frogs, predatory insects (including other dragonflies) ...

Lychee Shield Backed Jewel Bug(Chrysocoris stollii)

They are a species of  jewel bugs  common in continental  Southeast Asia . These bugs  are commonly known as  jewel bugs  or  metallic shield bugs  due to their often brilliant coloration.  These  insects  feed on plant juices from a variety of different species, including some commercial crops such as  Pigeon pea ,  Arecanut ,  Jatropha, etc A vast majority of jewel bugs, both adults and nymphs, are also capable of releasing pungent defensive chemicals from glands located on the sides of the thorax. Typical compounds exuded by jewel bugs include alcohols, aldehydes, and esters. Nymphs and adults often exhibit clustering behavior, being found in large numbers close to each other. This behavior is thought to have an evolutionary advantage. The more individuals present in an area, the stronger the odor of the chemicals released when the bugs are threatened. If this fails, stink bugs w...

Yellow Waxtail(Ceriagrion coromandelianum)

  Yellow Waxtail is a species of  damselfly, i t is commonly known as  coromandel marsh dart . This species can be found in  South Asian  countries such as  India ,  Sri Lanka ,  and  Nepal .  It is a medium-sized damselfly with yellowish-green eyes. Its thorax is olive-green above and yellowish-green on the sides. Its abdomen is yellow. Its anal appendages are citron-yellow or ochreous, the inferiors tipped with black. The superiors are sub-quadrate as seen from above, with the corners gently rounded. The inferiors are sloped strongly upwards, broad at the base, then tapering rapidly to an acute point. Female is more robust and dull colored. Its thorax is more greenish and the abdomen is golden yellow to brown.  It breeds in weedy ponds, ditches, and rice fields. Picture 1 - Male Picture 2 - Female 

Black Francolin

  The   black francolin belongs to  the  pheasant  family . It was formerly known as the Black Partridge. It is the state bird of  Haryana . It is known as Kaala Teetar locally.  The head of the black francolin is curved with brown iris eyes color and unique pattern of brown color crown and the throat color is black. It has a length ranging from 33 to 36 cm and weight approximate about 453 g and the size of black francolin is 9 to 16 inches. The primary color is black with black breast rufous belly, white spots on flanks, and golden brown spots at the back of the body. The flight pattern of the black francolin is short, direct flight punctuated by glides with rounded wings, rounded tail narrow black and white bars. Black francolin male The male black francolin is black with a white patch on the cheek, a chestnut collar, and white spots on the flanks. The back and wings are scalloped with shades of golden brown with sub-terminal tawny-buff bands an...

Scarlet Minivet

  This  minivet  is found in tropical southern  Asia  from  India ,  Sri Lanka  to southern  China ,  Indonesia , and the  Philippines . They are common resident breeding birds in forests and other well-wooded habitats including gardens, especially in  hilly  country. While the male  is scarlet to orange with black upperparts, the females are usually yellow with greyish olive upperparts.  The scarlet minivet is 20–22 cm long with a strong dark  beak  and long wings. The male has black upperparts and head, and  scarlet  underparts, tail edges, rump, and wing patches. The shape and colour of the wing patches and the shade of orange in the male vary across populations.  The female is grey above, with yellow underparts, including the face, tail edges, rump and wing patches. This minivet catches  insects  in trees by flycatching or while perched. It flushes insects out of foliag...

Anomalous Nawab (Charaxes agraria)

 The Anomalous Nawab  is a  butterfly  found in Asia that belongs to the rajahs and nawabs group. It is found mainly in India, Nepal, and Sri-Lanka. Its wingspan ranges from 95-100 mm.  The male and female have wings with the yellow bands uniformly narrower, the outer edge of the band more irregular, undulated, the portions between the medians being each somewhat incurved. This butterfly somewhat resembles the Common Nawab, but it is paler with more acute forewings, light bands on the forewing relatively broader. It has two yellow dots near the forewing's apex.  Its flight is very swift and strong. It is often seen in the company of other butterflies, mudpuddling, or probing for plant sap. It is the most active in the months of March to November.  

Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus)

 Plain Tiger, also known as the African Queen and the African Monarch,   is a medium-sized butterfly widespread in  Asia ,  Australia,  and  Africa . It  primarily consume plants  commonly called milkweed. Milkweed contains toxic compounds  that are often consumed and stored by many butterflies. Because of their  emetic  properties, the plain tiger is  unpalatable  to most predators. As a result, the species' coloration is widely  mimicked  by other  species  of  butterflies . The plain tiger inhabits a wide variety of  habitats , although it is less likely to thrive in  jungle -like conditions and is most often found in drier, wide-open areas. Plain Tiger is a medium-sized  butterfly  with a  wingspan  of about 7–8 cm. The body is black with many white spots. The wings are orange, the upperside brighter, and richer than the underside. The upper half of the f...

Dusky Eagle Owl

The  dusky eagle-owl  is an  owl  species that is widespread in  South and  Southeast Asia. The dusky eagle-owl occurs from India, Nepal, and Bangladesh to Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia. Peninsular Malaysia, it has been recorded in oil palm plantations during surveys carried out between autumn 2009 and 2010 in the states of Selangor, Perak, Pahang, and Negeri Sembilan. Its preferred habitats are wetlands with dense tree cover. The dusky eagle-owl is a large greyish-brown owl with prominent ear tufts. Its underparts are greyish-white with some dark brown streaks, and its dark brown wings have some whitish streaks. It is about 58 cm in size. The dusky eagle-owl is usually active at night and emerges from its roost shortly before sunset. In cloudy weather, it sometimes also hunts during the day. The nesting season is from November to April. The nest is made o...

Brown Fish Owl

  The  brown fish owl is a  fish owl  species in the family known as typical owls. It is native from Turkey to South and Southeast Asia.  It inhabits forests and wooded wetlands. Of the four living species of fish owl, it is the most widely distributed, most common, and best-studied. It occupies a range of over 7,000 km. The brown fish owl is an all-year resident throughout most tropical and subtropical parts of the  Indian Subcontinent to Southeast Asia and adjoining regions. The brown fish owl has prominent ear tufts and rufous-brown upperparts that are heavily streaked with black or dark brown. Its underparts are whitish, with wavy dark brown streaks and finer brown barring. Its throat is white and conspicuously puffed. Its facial disk is indistinct, the bill dark and the  iris golden yellow. Its featherless feet are yellow. Two-year-old brown fish owls are somewhat paler than adults. Females an...