Acrida willemsei

Acrida willemsei is an Asian species of grasshopper . The recorded distribution of this species includes southern China, Taiwan, Indo-China, India, and Malaysia. They are sometimes called silent slant-faced grasshoppers. In appearance, the species are often similar to those of the subfamily Gomphocerinae, with whom they share a slanted face. However, Acrida willemsei differ from Gomphocerinae in that they lack stridulatory pegs on their hind legs and thus, as the common name suggests, do not make sounds. The antennae of this species are flattened and sword-like, a trait also shared with some gomphocerines. They lack the postural spine seen in the spurthroated grasshoppers and lubber grasshoppers (Two different species of grasshoppers that share some common traits). Hind wings in this species are somewhat colorless. They aren't particularly selective about what they eat, but they often favor gre...