
 They are a type of grasshoppers belonging to the family Acrididae. It occurs in Indo-China and southern China, where it may become a locally significant agricultural pest.

Mud-Puddling behavior has been noted in them,  they seek out nutrients in certain moist substances such as rotting plant matter, mud, and carrion and they suck up the fluid. Where the conditions are suitable, conspicuous insects such as butterflies commonly form aggregations on wet soil, dung, or carrion. From the fluids, they obtain salts and amino acids that play various roles in their physiology, and ecology.

They are nearly 3cm - 5cm long and are green in color with black strips either side. They can be seen fluttering the bushes and shrubs in groups of 10 and 20, they easily get scared by human presence and are totally harmless to humans. 


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