Ditch Jewel (Brachythemis contaminata)

The male's abdomen length is nearly 18-21 mm and wing length is 20-23 mm
The female's  abdomen length is nearly 18-20 mm and wing length is 22-25 mm

 The Ditch Jewel is a small dragonfly with brown-capped yellowish-green eyes. Its thorax (body) is olivaceous-brown, marked with a reddish-brown stripe and two brownish stripes on each side. It has wings that are transparent but reddish in color. Its Abdomen(tail) is ochreous-red, marked with brown stripes.

The Female is similar to the male in body structure but it is pale yellowish-green in color. Its wings are transparent, tinted with yellow at the extreme base.

It breeds in weedy ponds, lakes, and slowly moving streams; especially in sluggish waters. It is very common along sewage canals, tanks, ponds, and ditches. It is a dragonfly of polluted waters. That flies very near the ground and perches on aquatic weeds.

 It is found in most of the Asain countries.


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