Plains Cupid (Part 1)


Wingspan - 25-35 mm

Status - Locally common 

Found in India, Sri-Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar

Habits and Habitats -These butterflies can be seen fluttering about and chasing each other in weed lots. They are not as alert and aware of human presence as larger butterflies and go about their business without paying much attention to humans. The males are more often seen on damp patches than on flowers. The females fly low among grasses. The Plains Cupid flies in the Himalaya up to 2000 meters but it prefers well-wooded regions. The easiest way to distinguish between the two sexes is that the male's upper portion is bright lavender-blue with a dark outer border. The first image gives us an idea of its appearance whereas the second image clearly portrays the male's upper portion which is bright lavender-blue with a dark outer border. This butterfly is very common and can be easily spotted in our gardens, all you need to do is to find the time to observe your surroundings. (Stay tuned for part two)


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